Thursday, January 3, 2008


It's that time again. The time of year we all make commitments -- sometimes silently and sometimes out loud -- to change something. Scores of people show up at the gym the first week of January, only to disappear a few weeks in. Churches must see more attendance. People try to quit smoking, or stop drinking soda (or pop if I acknowledge my eastern Kentucky roots here), and who knows what else.

And, of course, I want to be better this year too. Yes, I want to eat better and exercise more, but I am refusing to say that I'm going to "diet" or "lose weight." Diets never work any way.

But on the top of my list this year above all those things that could change the way I look physically is that I want to leave work at work. I love my job. But, I also enjoy my life outside of work too. Last year was both a great year and a stressful year. And some of the things that made it great also made it stressful. And more and more over the year I let my work creep -- well, swallow -- my personal time. And the more and more I let this happen the more it affected my interactions with family, friends, and co-workers. There are three things I should know about myself by now: I need to pick out my clothes the night before, I can never cut my hair short again (I think I've destroyed all photos from 2003-2005 by now), and I do not communicate well when I'm severely stressed.

So, no more! I'm going to try to keep work at work. I'm going to figure out ways to work smarter, not harder. And I'm going to ask for help or guidance when I need it. And don't be surprised if I ask you to be a lunch pal who will let me de-stress without judging me.