Friday, February 29, 2008

Adventures in Branch Librarianship

(or, what you should learn about in management classes)

So far this semester our branch library has:

1. Had a leak in the ceiling which damaged a few books.

2. Had an uneasy incident involving one of our student employees and an angry ex-girlfriend.

3. Had to operate despite unavoidable absences of both staff people at the same time.

4. Found ourselves in an new organization division with a new direct boss.

That's just so far this semester and we haven't even gotten to spring break yet!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

When Did 10 pm Become Too Late?

Last weekend some friends invited me to join them for trivia. Sounded like fun and I was actually up for it. Until I learned that it didn't start until 10 p.m. 10 p.m.?! I thought. That's late. And it was even a Friday night. Not like I had to get up super early to go to work the next day.

So I started thinking and asked myself, "When did 10 p.m. become too late?" I mean, it's not like we have kids or anything yet. Though after a long day of work, commuting 45 minutes each way, and some hours at home, not to mention all that other stuff I gotta do once I get home, I am usually ready for bed long before the DVR reads 10 p.m.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Great Hunter

The great hunter. Isn't she terrifying in her jungle lair? Mice tremble and run away. Or so we hope.

Are You Kidding Me?

The strangest, most awful things always happen while the husband's away. Every time. Yesterday was a crazy, crazy day at work. Plus, I'm sick (I'm going to the doctor today. I swear!) So it actually came as no suprise -- though still quite unpleasant -- when I discovered the present our 100% indoor, never ever goes outside, cat left for me on the floor at the foot of the bed this morning. A mouse. A dead mouse.

Believe it or not, I didn't scream. I just covered it up with something heavy just in case it wasn't actually dead but playing dead. Cho was so proud. I could tell. And this discovery explains the unusal amount of time the cat has spent in the basement the past couple of days.

Orkin is coming on Friday. And, once again, I get to deal with something like this sans husband. Well, you know what they say, "When the cat's away, the mice will play."