Saturday, December 15, 2007

Some Random Observations about Europe

Hotels in Europe (well, Switzerland and Italy, at least) don't have alarm clocks. The clock is in the TV, if at all.

Getting connected to the Internet is expensive.

Elevators are small.

Bring more books than you think you'll need. I finished the two books I brought early. Funny thing about Europe -- the bookstores don't have any books in English. Weird, huh?!

Husbands work really hard and really long hours when they're there.

It's much easier adjusting to the time change coming home (Europe to US) than going over (US to Europe). I had the best night's sleep I've had in 2 weeks last night. But then I was wide awake at 5 am this morning....

This whole idea that you don't tip waiters in Europe really isn't true.

Getting in from dinner on Wednesday night at 11:30 pm is early.

Nothing is open on Sunday. NOTHING.

Is it weird that I craved sushi while I was over there?

NBA games make the sport highlights on BBC and CNN. Not a mention about US professional football though.

What the heck is cricket?

What a weird show.


1 comment:

Erin and Mark said...

My maiden name is Hanlon. Prior to coming to the states it was O'Hanlon (guy from the show) Don't here it too often here in the U.S. Stange looking show.