Tuesday, April 1, 2008

373 E-Mails!

In an effort to maintain my sanity, I have a separate e-mail address I use to subscribe to professional listservs, sign-up for professional stuff, etc. You get the idea. It's different from my personal e-mail but still keeps that kind of stuff out of my work e-mail box.

It's a Gmail account, so one nice thing is that it will group "discussions" together, making related e-mails easy to read.

Only, it has 373 UNREAD e-mails. So, all of these are from professional listservs, mostly from just one listserv.

I think I might have to wave the white flag and just mark all as read and delete them. I don't know what else to do. I'm pretty good about catching the job postings and deleting those quickly. But I have this bad habit of saving the other topical e-mails, telling myself that's useful information and I'll read it later. Only later is here and I now have 373 that I haven't read.


1 comment:

Julie George said...

Just let them go :) Hit delete and feel the weight being lifted off your shoulders! Trust me! :)