Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I have become that which I hate most....

I can't believe it. But I did it. I answered a cell phone while in a public restroom. In my defense, at least, I was not actually using the bathroom as I have overheard many other undergraduates at the university and random middle-aged women at the mall do. And, I do believe that I at least had a real reason. Matt and I were literally in the middle of negotiating the sell of House 1.0. In addition, Matt was out of the country and I knew the call was from him. So, at least, it really was a very important call. But..... Still.... I am so ashamed.


SouthernSibyll said...

Ha! This too is one of my pet peeves, but I think you can be forgiven just this one time.

For the record, I took a call sitting in the examination room at my doctor's last week. I have no apologies since I had been waiting for nearly two hours for a five minute follow-up. Plus, I made sure to speak VERY LOUDLY so as to annoy anyone who could hear me through the paper-thin walls. Am I getting old and cranky or what?

Matt said...

We have only been married for close to 7 years, but really -- we need our secrets. Although I imagine 30 years from now we can say that Mommy negotiated the sale of our first home from a public toilet.