Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Maybe it's the moisturizer? Or the hair?

On Friday, I wore jeans and a t-shirt with my employing university's emblem to work because I spent four sweaty hours shifting bound periodicals. Even though I am a librarian, this isn't something I have to do too often.

The great student employee I worked with all afternoon thought I was a student employee at first. Clearing that up, after a little bit, she finally came out and asked, "So, just HOW old are you?"

The husband and I met up for dinner at a restaurant. When the waiter came by, here's what happened:

Waiter: "So, you go to XXU? So do I."
Husband: (trying hard to suppress hysterical laughter)
Me: "Um, well, I work there."

Two hours later we get a milk shake craving despite the fact we're both suppose to be dieting now. So, we take a seat at the counter of another restaurant:

Waiter: "So, how's school going?"
Husband: (having an even harder time suppressing the laughter)
Me: "Um, well, I work there."

You know, at 22 this would have really bugged me. But, I gotta say, at 32 it totally made my day!

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