Thursday, July 5, 2007

Learning 2.0: The Machine and Web 2.0

My library has just begun a Learning 2.0 program where we are going to be learning more about Web 2.0 tools like blogs, Flickr, RSS feeds, social networking, etc. To get us started, and inspired, we watched this video which was posted on You Tube:

I have watched this video several times over the past year or so. Each time I watch it I notice something I didn't before. However, I think I am always most moved by the idea that WE are creating and organizing the web. WE being anyone with computer and Internet access, whether that be at work, at home, or through a free public library. Expertise, programming skills, and money are no longer needed!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey I've got this YouTube on my site too. Aren't they great for teaching. I wish they were when I was a teacher.