Friday, July 6, 2007

How to keep track of all those bookmarks!

In having to use two web browsers, I finally set-up an account and started using to try to have all my needed bookmarks in one place. However, I found it was lacking....something. But I wasn't sure what. Sure, all my bookmarks were right there. But there was no way to organize them. Enter, Netvouz which I read about this morning on The Cool Librarian's Blog. Why Netvouz? Netvouz lets you create FOLDERS to actually organize your bookmarks! I've set up an account and am playing with it. I'll let you know how it goes but it already seems to be the solution I was looking for. I think I'm going to be a very happy librarian.

1 comment:

jess said...

So glad you found something on the list you liked! Thanks for reading!

Oh, and consider joining Library Links - we'd love to have you!